Lorraine Posner Arcus
Early Childhood Consulting
Lorraine Posner Arcus
Lorraine is a 2001 recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award for Outstanding Creative Jewish Education
Lorraine’s book, Z’man Lirkod-A Manual For Teaching Israeli Dance is a valuable resource for teachers of Israeli dance in a various settings. She also produces instructional materials for Israeli dance teachers.
Lorraine has presented at:
Workshops With Lorraine
"Torah Alive!" and "Holidays Alive!"
Israeli Dance
"Dance Around the World With Children"
Incorporating Science in the Judaic Curriculum
Bringing the Arts to Your Pesach Seder
Torah Alive! An Early Childhood Torah Curriculum, Torah Alive! Parent Connection, and Torah Alive! Music Connection are published by URJ Press.
Contact Lorraine and Bring an Exciting
Workshop to Your Community
(518) 225-4862
Resources and
Contact Information